By Alex Lightman
In what is possibly the most talked Swedish study of Americans, researchers found that an astonishing 93% of Americans thought their driving skills were above average, compared to 69% of Swedes.
by Alex Lightman
hel·i·cop·ter par·ent
1 a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children. "some college officials see all this as the behavior of an overindulged generation, raised by helicopter parents and lacking in resilience"
by Alex Lightman
Once upon a time I created a boarding school that attracted students from dozens of countries. Because many of the greatest lessons I learned came from travel, I gave the students the marvelous (for them and for me) gift of traveling to dozens of countries each year as part of the curriculum.
by Alex Lightman
55 million South Africans have a unique perspective on the world, one that comes from having Nelson Mandela, a leader who oversaw one of the most intense, complex and emotional transitions in handing over power, a leader who earned the respect and affection of the entire world, having spent 27 years in prison.
by Alex Lightman
This week I learned several new things as a result of a jerky Uber ride and rubbing my neck.
by Alex Lightman
Let’s make America great again by reducing the number of innocent prisoners andunnecessary prisons
by Alex Lightman
What Uber and Lyft and Car-as- a-Service Need to Do Next to Deserve Their Privileges and Gain the Benefit of the Doubt With Both Government and The People